Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gonna be poor.

But gonna have fun and be good.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sad Robots

Reader, please note that this is not your usual musical tour guide and a young tippler has usurped the electronic quill and is anxiously writing down reflections of meaning; the quill's ink is not well administered, thoughts are not collected. Yet the youth relishes each moment knowing the former scribe will return to his study at any second...

Pitchfork granted in a holy declaration: Sad Robots, 6.2/10. As I have no power vested in me by the consumerism gods, I will not attach any scale of preference to the album other than to say I enjoy it. There is no narrative structure or concept linking the songs together, so you can listen to it on shuffle if you please. The album opens with Maintenance Hall, 4 a.m. A brief instrumental that although only two minutes and eighteen seconds manages to trudge around your home leaving a trail of gasoline while you're out watching Disney movies with your ex. As the song wanes away it flicks a match over its shoulder, this match's glowing arc consumes the oxygen rich night air and lands playfully, nearly not in reach of the gasoline wick.

The next song is nearly six minutes, it keeps the same melodic drone throughout. Your thoughts wander as you head home. You reach your driveway and find your home ablaze. Amy joins in halfway through the song and lends her greatness. Torq comes back in and the song reaches it's full potential. Bass lines support delicate piano riffs, snares accent guitar distortion, the world is alright. You take a shot of canadian club, a whisky you normally would not purchase due to it's price, but for some reason you've treated yourself this time. As you feel the alcoholic heat expand through your blood into your fingers and toes Amy's voice questions "When will it stop?" in the song "Undertow". A crowd has formed around your house that is burning down, no one is calling the fire department, everyone is treating it as if it's a large bonfire and they've been needing a get together. The house is burning steadily, the foundation is still stable and the flames are licking all the crevices, exploring with great excitement.

The fire grows at this point in ways you don't see. The band is covering their own song. "Going, going, gone". "There is nowhere to move on." Geeky synth drives the song. Countless bad jokes are being made about the burning down house... "Hot Party!"

What's the point? The next song is "14 forever". The bands strange balance between growing old but still playing songs that appeal to young people and the paradox of young people finding the appeal of their songs. The band is growing up, the crowds are staying the same age. I can't begin to articulate the emotions involved. "The revolution starts in a sea of paper cups".

You have several more shots, a few beers, and time begins to blur. Laughter piles upon laughter and everyone is dancing. The contrast between the dark and the burning house is so incredible you have no idea what to do. It begins to rain. Songs are sung in french. The rain, in a final twist of fate ends the party early, cutting short the perverted enjoyment of the house burning. The flames are dowsed, but the damage to the house is irreparable. The music ends before you know and the everyone but you is ready to go home. The excitement in your muscles feels like a ditched date leaving you with handfuls of confused energy. A robot is being rained on and it is going to rust and die. "Sad Robot" explains "My heart will turn from steel to dust". A primal instinct floods your brain with sleepy chemicals and you feel comfortable in the wet grass. You fall asleep.

You wake in the morning rain. Everything is different in the light. All the people are gone. You loved the party, you are lost now. Your muscles ache, your nose is runny, your clothes are wet. Your home is gone and your heart is sore.

However there is still some whisky and still some friends with whom you plan a series of nocturnal arson attacks...

You've learned a very valuable lesson: the complex nuances of emotion, youth, and love are not discovered through thought. You are a sad robot.

Contextual Details: I've been a fan of a Stars for several years now and it would be hard for me to not enjoy something they created. It's early March 2009. The world's markets are failing splendidly. Spring is still springing, people are still laughing. Amy's voice is heaven.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Beautiful weather in Bloomington today. I broke my arm recently and this morning after consulting with a DR. DR. I learned that I will not be needing surgery or a cast. The gods are smiling at me.

I also recommend the rox.com, free downloadable episodes of a wonderful show.
and I recommend becoming more sustainable. I am in luck that the head of the sustain department at IU is going to sponsor a sustainability project for the capstone. I am so excited to be a part of that.

I've found two new pieces of literature I'm pretty interested in, and you can partake in one of them!

This is a blog about a guy who is making the drinks from a 12 month calendar which has a new mixed drink each day, darling.

My other literature is the hardback (you can borrow it when i'm done) of -- http://www.amazon.com/History-World-Six-Glasses/dp/0802714471

Song recommendations:

Xiu Xiu - Suha
Electric President - Ten Thousand Lines

Have a good one.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Citizen's Block

Vocab day:

Citizen's Block: Like writer's block, but when an individual becomes so upset and is unable to function as a part of society. Precursor to survivor's block.

Reverse Walmart Theory: When an individual patrons only local businesses as an attempt at sustaining and growing wealth in their locality.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Do something.

To be updated, no retroactive entires allowed though.

Bands I'm enjoying:

Beach House
Royal City
Magnetic Fields
Murder By Death
Dust from 1000 Years

Books I'm reading:

Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance


Acute Hedonism

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I am a senior at IU. Bloomington can be an incredibly lonely and strange place. This year biking as been one of my escapes (classes started yesterday), as I have not many genuine friends here. I still believe I will look back on these years as the best of my life.

Tonight I watched Ron Paul speak on Cspan2. I told several people I know here in Bloomington to watch, but no one was interested. I called my mom even, she watched and gave it some attention, but is still not completely on board. I DO think Ron Paul is a genuine, honest, and fair man who would at the very least take America away from the fascist, rich vs. poor, dumb, and evolving police state it is becoming. It is very devastating to be a part of this transformation.

A few days AMY GOODMAN was arrested!!!

I don't think he is the perfect candidate, but I think he is much better than what the powers that be have put out for the Dems and Repubs. I was greatly moved by his speech tonight, perhaps more than I have been ever moved before by a political speech. I do feel he will not be elected and "what's going to happen will happen" as my grandmother so eloquently added to the issue of the future of the United States of America.

Once one becomes aware of the atrocities and injustice perpetuated by humans against other humans life becomes a world of cognitive dissonance where one must balance doing what they can do to make the world more just and to be more just as an indivdual contrasted with not losing their mind. I think the only honorable thing is to do as much as you can or, lose your mind. Neither of which I have been doing. If you have seen "Gonzo" which depicts Hunter S. Thompson's life you may understand what I mean by losing your mind. I believe Hunter lost his, he was trying to do good. College and middle class America are great ways to not do good and not lose your mind by always being distracted by consumerism, media, and celebrities. I think these are incredibly negative in that situation.

I am making steps to live more locally, frugally, and lovingly, and I hope everyone can share positivity and love, because we are not around too much.

This is poem created by the programme "J and B on the Rox". They started in Bloomington in the 90's created wonderful programming on many compelling aspects of life. Much of their content is available on their website still. As of late their website explains how one of them as een in New Orleans volunteering and helping with the aftermath of Katrina. The note is ended with "Can you remember when J + B was about having fun?"

I think that is a greater call to youth as an idea.

That youth is about learning and having fun. While "maturity" is not.

I bet they would stick by this poem to this day.
You can download and view the video here:

it's at the top right labeled "TO THE GRADUATING CLASS"


having have had once been much educated i have learned
my parents raised me good
taught me what a good education could do for one's quality of life,
quantity of bread, frequency of good sex; and the like.
Aint nuthin to it.

Post-Literate, that's where I's at.
can't spell for shit, can't finish anything
but sure can plan out the whole campaign
i know how to fix my stereo, but don't.

that's cause i's affected and effected
infused with the hot chocolate morality of the city and the times.

whatcha gonna do when you get out?
Go up to naptown? get a job as a clerk in a lawyers office? as a programmer for the insurers of the car you can't afford, but have to buy?
How bout Silicon Valley? I hear it's real west out there. Or Istanbul, or New orleans. Where do you go after Bloomington, the eternal city.

I've seen so many good heads, good eggs, layed to waste
by the force of decision.
It's over, Chucko.
You can't go home, but you can't just go.
It's over.
Somehow you think that the appeal of the student dime ghetto will wear down and off as you reach predicted maturity.
Maybe ...maybe not.

Cut off the soles of your shoes, climb a tree, and learn to play the flute. Lounge by the shores naked and carefree. Have late breakfasts at the Uptown.

Drink more. Smoke more. Plow Fields.

Peter Pan was right, don't do it. Don't grow up. Don't leave.

You can stay here, deep in the ivory womb.
You can get a job as a painter, or start another paper or something.
Maybe you can get that recording contract and still live out on Smithfield Road.

There's this great flick where the protagonists' mused on the best years of their lives. It was their college days. If you're even halfway happy, this is as good as it's gonna get.

Stay here, don't leave.

You could get a job dishwashing at the spoon. Get back to your writing, buy that old beat up all metal electric guitar and learn a few power chords.

What more do you want for an adequate quality of life? You can live like a monarch here on six lousy bucks an hour.

The secret to surviving is knowing what you don't need, and you need Bloomington. It's in your blood coagulating your motivation as it massages your soul.

YOu know what will happen?

The weekend will come.
And you will finally get a day off.

you'll decide to see a movie.
Cause you've got to do something (got to consume something)

And there will only be two movies worth seeing.
And one will be about the college days

then you will remember what i am saying here
you'll remember how you thought i was crazy
how i was so conservative and infantile

and how those were the best days of your life.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Sojourner

I'm not sure how dedicated I will be and this blog, journal, scrapbook may be found desultory. Here is how I hope to use it!

- friends (or enemies, new and old)
- information (music, video, ideas, jokes, youtube links)
- eating vegetarian/vegan
- planning
- time capsule
- anything else

All of those could be expanded on...

I would like to explain the name of this though

"prate of the proles"
prate is idle talk, proles |short for proletariat| I am using in the sense of George Orwells "1984". Where proles are cogs in the machine of society, romantically envied for because of their ignorance, but also detested because of their actions in rolling fascism along.
(should I explain the book briefly or in depth here?)
I am going to try writing in many different styles so feedback is appreciated.

So that completes a sparse first post, hopefully laying the framework for more detailed posts.

! List what song you're listening to !

I excitedly discovered a lot of new music through "What are you listening to..." threads on the Modest Mouse forum at Audiogalaxy.com in the early 2000's. Cheers to the possible rebirth of that feeling. (link the song maybe)